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Projekt . Bunt & Quer Mobil . Girls4Girls . Peer EducationEltern- und MultiplikatorInnenarbeit . WorkshopsKulterbunte OutputsKulterbunte LandkarteKulterbunte DownloadsKulterbunte Bibliothek

Buchregal Mädchen lesend

The Amazone association has a specialised library with selected literature on cross-cultural subject matter. Specialist literature can be borrowed every Monday morning from 9 am - 12 pm or after making an Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.

List of literature cross-cultural girls’ work

Literaturliste Themenbereich Kultur


Das Projekt Bunt & Quer6 wird durch den Europäischen Integrationsfonds kofinanziert.

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Project duration:
January 1, 2014 until
December 31, 2014

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Projekt . Bunt & Quer Mobil . Girls4Girls . Peer EducationEltern- und MultiplikatorInnenarbeit . WorkshopsKulterbunte OutputsKulterbunte LandkarteKulterbunte DownloadsKulterbunte Bibliothek

Knowledge pool Bunt & Quer6
Cross-cultural offers such as consultation, specialised library, exchange of expert knowledge, methodological materials... are available to all interested multipliers.  Business hours: every Monday from 9 am - 12 pm or after making an Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.

The recommended course of action of feminist, cross-cultural girls’ work

The recommended course of action of feminist, cross-cultural girls’ work of the Girls’ Centre Amazone was prepared in two consultant meetings in line with Bunt & Quer2 and can be downloaded here.

Study “Girls’ world in cross-cultural dialogue”

Download Study
Download Information on the study
Download Posters for the study

In line with the project Bunt & Quer², a scientific study was conducted in cooperation with the institute for youth culture research on the subject of “Girls’ worlds in cross-cultural dialogue”. The accompanying research for the project included conducting three group discussions with 14 - 18 year old girls with and without migration background.

Fundamental objectives of the study are:

  • Conclusions on attitudes and expectations of girls regarding cross-cultural girls’ work
  • Dialogue between girls with and without migration background
  • Development of ideas for future activities for girls with and without migration background in the Girls’ Centre Amazone

3 Bilder: rothaariges Mädchen, 2 Mädchen mit Kopftuch im Bazar unf Gitarristin


Das Projekt Bunt & Quer6 wird durch den Europäischen Integrationsfonds kofinanziert.

Logoleisten der Sponsoren


Project duration:
January 1, 2014 until
December 31, 2014

Welcome to the virtual Amazone!

Here in the girls’:zone, YOU and YOUR interests as girls take centre stage. You can test yourself, catch up on things, get creative or simply just relax.
The Amazone Girls’ Centre is a youth centre for girls only! Here, girls between 10 and 18 can experiment in the work shop, get information about their future profession in the communication room and surf on the Internet, develop pictures in the dark room, play tabletop football, relax in the café and listen to music, romp about in the exercise room, have sound sessions in the rehearsal room, talk about problems in the South Seas room and much more during opening hours!

In addition to numerous workshops and events, there are many activities in the Girls’ Centre, which the girls organise themselves: video sessions, birthday parties, sleepovers, dances, board games in the afternoon and much more. The more colourful your ideas are and the more committed you are, the more versatile the event will be.

We captured the greatest moments in our Photo Album! Have a look!

girls only
As you may have noticed, some pages have a girls only stamp. This stamp immediately lets you know: this event is for girls only! Neither boys or parents or instructors can participate. This stamp shows you, this is YOUR area. It’s only about YOU here.

The Amazone association is located in an older house on an inclined road. There is an elevator however, the rooms are unfortunately not handicapped accessible. The way to Amazone is also not an easy one for wheelchair users for example. It is important to us that all girls can benefit from the offers and services at Amazone. Please contact one of the staff members; we are more than happy to help!

Come visit us. The Amazone is looking forward to meeting you!



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Girls’ Centre
Wed - Sat 3 - 7 pm

Fri 5 - 10 pm

Mon - Thurs 9 am - 12 pm

Guidance Service for Girls
Wed 2 - 7 pm
Thurs - Sat 3 - 7 pm and upon request

Always willing to listen to what you have to say

Guidance Service for girls and young women
If you have something difficult to deal with or you need someone to listen, you can come by during the opening hours of the Girls’ Centre and talk to us. Sometimes problems seem to be unsolvable and you feel like you’re in over your head. That takes more than just one conversation. We support you with difficulties you may have with family or friends or with questions regarding relationships, sexuality, contraception, vocational training, bullying or whatever else is burdening you.  We are always willing to listen to what you have to say!

We’re on your side!
Our offers and services are free!
We treat your concerns with strict confidentiality!

Simply come by, call 05574 45801 or write an email to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

Special Gender Department

The Special Gender Department sees itself as a facility for promoting education and competence in all questions and topics regarding gender work with an overall focus on feminist girls’ work. The girls’ work perspective, the mixed-gender perspective and the perspective of development, qualification and awareness raising are integrated into the Special Gender Department. Measures for the deconstruction of gender role models with and for girls, boys, adults, institutions and interested parties are offered in these three perspectives.

The realisation of this work is carried out using access to education and promotion in regard to the following eight topics, which became apparent during many years of work: work, vocational training, health, violence, culture, multimedia, politics and sexuality.

The area Qualification includes information on lectures, seminars, specialist counselling and work materials.

Furthermore, the wide range of the professional work is evident in the projects devised and accompanied by the Amazone association. The already concluded reference projects provide additional impressions.

Trained Peers act as role models for other adolescents in many of the association’s services.
Moreover, the association works with a trained pool of instructors, who pass on their expertise as needed and in doing so, consolidates the approaches of girls’ and boys’ work.

The AmazoneThek includes a selected offer of specialist literature, trade magazines, films and work material on gender and girls’ work as well as on the eight topic areas of the Amazone association.

Publications and information about the Amazone association’s exhibitions are listed in the respective menu items. These are available to download or borrow.

Video clips can be accessed at:

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Call us!
+43 5574 45801


From the train station in Bregenz:

Head towards the town centre/pedestrian zone (across the large car park along the row of houses on your right). Then, cross the Montfortstraße at the traffic light, continue straight ahead and make a right into the Kaiserstraße before the Kleiderbauer. Continue up that road until you reach the GWL shopping centre. Then, continue up the road - a sign “Kirchstraße” is hanging across the road. Follow the narrow Kirchstraße until the road forks at the pub “Uwe’s Bierbar”. Keep right and continue until you reach house number 39 on the left side of the road (across from the Landesarchiv).

The Amazone door is heavy, made of dark wood and has a sign with the name “Amazone” on it. The door is opened during the opening hours of the Girls’ Centre - just come in!

You can find us on the 2nd floor outside the opening hours of the Girls’ Centre - just ring the bell!

The Amazone association is located in an older house on an inclined road. There is an elevator however, the rooms are unfortunately not handicapped accessible. The way to Amazone is also not an easy one for wheelchair users for example. It is important to us that all girls can benefit from the offers and services at the Amazone association. Please contact one of the staff members; we are more than happy to help!

About us

From a group’s own initiative to the Amazone association
The initiative of a group of girls led to the establishment of the association in 1998 under the name “Kecke Quecke” by setting up the first Girls’ Centre in Vorarlberg and was renamed Amazone in 2001 by the visitors at the Girls’ Centre. Although main focus was on feminist girls’ work of women and girls for girls during the first few years, the Amazone association has been focusing on the development of gender equitable work for the creation of gender equality since 2011, with the objective of also strengthening girls in mixed-gender contexts and to continue consolidating girls’ work with other gender-educational approaches. This expansion of the fields of activity called for a corresponding organisational development. The realisation of the core work areas vocational training, health, violence, culture, multimedia, work, politics and sexuality is carried out with a feminist mindset using access to education and promotion in the three columns of activity:

  1. the Girls’ Centre with homogeneous gender offers and services such as a café, work shop, rehearsal room, workshops and Girls4Girls activities for girls between 10 and 18,
  2. the Guidance Service for girls and young women and their parents or guardians as well as
  3. the Special Gender Department, which offers measures for the deconstruction of gender role models with and for girls, boys, adults, institutions and the entire public.

The interlacing of practical projects with offers for qualification and further education in the Amazone association enables access, which emanates from the girls and their living environments. The Peer education or the Peer to Peer approach still has an effect on all activities in the association. The girls are the key members! They get the ball rolling and with the help of the association’s know-how, a structure is developed, to pursue the vision of a gender equitable world together. 
The association, which started with a practical project for girls, has turned into a central facility for gender work from girls’ perspective in Vorarlberg and beyond the national borders.

And, despite the success...
There is a lack of sufficient structural promotion. The insufficient structural coverage is still being compensated for through high organisational and project management costs. And, the staff members of the Amazone association are still battling with a great uncertainty of their employment. A lack of funding should not be the reason for failing to provide promotion and support for girls.  A continuous provision of respective funds is required, to couple girls’ work with youth work and to ensure it on a permanent basis, in order to achieve a more equitable distribution of funds.

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Projekt . Bunt & Quer Mobil . Girls4Girls . Peer Education . Eltern- und MultiplikatorInnenarbeit . Workshops . Kulterbunte Outputs . Kulterbunte Landkarte . Kulterbunte Downloads . Kulterbunte Bibliothek

The Amazone association works together with various institutions in the country and beyond that in the area of girls’ work.  The Culturally Colourful Map provides an overview of our cooperation contacts in Vorarlberg.

You can find exciting links to cross-cultural topics beyond the borders of Vorarlberg in our list of links. Due to the many cooperation contacts, we cannot guarantee that all partners are named. If you also want to be named on our network map, please provide us with your logo including contact data at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.

Logoleisten der Sponsoren




















Logo Between
Autonomes Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Between

Jugendtreff Arena – Offene Jugendarbeit Dornbirn

Logo okay
okay. zusammen leben
Projektstelle für Zuwanderung und Integration

Offene Jugendarbeit Feldkirch

Logo Caritas Flüchtlingshilfe
Caritas Vorarlberg
Flüchtlings- und Migrantenhilfe
Gemeinwesenarbeit und Freiwilligenmanagement

Logo Südwind
Südwind Vorarlberg

Logo Weltladen
Weltladen Bregenz
Das Fachgeschäft für fairen Handel

Logo Femail
FEMAIL - FrauenInformationszentrum Vorarlberg e.V

Logo Bregenz
Stadt Bregenz
Fachstelle für Integration und Migration

Logo  mit Pusteblume


Das Projekt Bunt & Quer6 wird durch den Europäischen Integrationsfonds kofinanziert.

Culturally colourful outputsButton Türkisch inaktiv Button Englisch aktiv Button Deutsch inaktiv

Projekt . Bunt & Quer Mobil . Girls4Girls . Peer EducationEltern- und MultiplikatorInnenarbeit . WorkshopsKulterbunte OutputsKulterbunte LandkarteKulterbunte DownloadsKulterbunte Bibliothek

The recommended course of action of feminist, cross-cultural girls’ work of the Girls’ Centre Amazone was prepared in two consultant meetings and can be downloaded here.

Study “Girls’ world in cross-cultural dialogue”
Download Study
Download Information on the study
Download Posters for the study

In line with the project bunt & quer², a scientific study was conducted in cooperation with the institute for youth culture research on the subject of “Girls’ worlds in cross-cultural dialogue”. The accompanying research for the project included conducting three group discussions with 14 - 18 year old girls with and without migration background.

Fundamental objectives of the study are:

  • Conclusions on attitudes and expectations of girls regarding cross-cultural girls’ work
  • Dialogue between girls with and without migration background
  • Development of ideas for future activities for girls with and without migration background in the Girls’ Centre Amazone

In line with the project Bunt & Quer, the following products for girls’ living environments and for cross-cultural topics developed.

Girls’ living environments
Five video clips were filmed in Bunt & Quer² on the subject of: “Girls in their living environment”. In these clips, the participating Girls4Girls girls created their living environment in a medial and public manner. In addition to the examination of different living environments, the girls gained insight into the world of video making, cutting and editing.

Girls’ living environments 1-5



Culturally colourful digital stories
In 2010, two Girls4Girls girls created digital stories according to the motto “Girls Story” about their living environments. Digital storytelling provides an opportunity of telling a story. This method is ideally suitable for reflecting on experiences. The girls produced their stories in 5 afternoons in a creative and medial manner.

Digital Stories 1-2


Konnichiwa - culturally colourful Japanese worlds
In Bunt & Quer³, a clip on the subject of culturally colourful life in Japan arose. The medium film in connection with experience-oriented methods enabled the girls to examine their own talents and gave insight into Japanese culture resp. the challenges and opportunities of cross-cultural girls’ problems/questions.

Konnichiwa - culturally colourful Japanese worlds


Das Projekt Bunt & Quer6 wird durch den Europäischen Integrationsfonds kofinanziert.

Logoleisten der Sponsoren


Project duration:
January 1, 2014 until
December 31, 2014

Bunt & Quer Mobil Button Türkisch inaktiv Button Englisch aktiv Button Deutsch inaktiv

Projekt . Bunt & Quer Mobil . Girls4Girls . Peer EducationEltern- und MultiplikatorInnenarbeit . WorkshopsKulterbunte OutputsKulterbunte LandkarteKulterbunte DownloadsKulterbunte Bibliothek

The objective of Bunt & Quer6 AmazoneMobil is making the offer ideally accessible to everyone. Contents and measures such as workshops and consultations are to be made accessible regionally using the mobile room.

The mobility aspect in Bunt & Quer6 entails a range of new fields of use.
In addition to the experience-driven measures and those in regard to content, the mobile room further develops diversity in the form of easily accessible information brokering
and knowledge transfer. Not only a benefit for Bunt & Quer6 speaks for the room aspect but it is also one of the core objectives of the feminist girls’ work in the Amazone association.

The Peer girls are planning, organising, coordinating and managing the implementation of the mobile room with the support of a team of experts from the Amazone association.


Das Projekt Bunt & Quer6 wird durch den Europäischen Integrationsfonds kofinanziert.

Logoleisten der Sponsoren


Become a Bunt & Quer AmazoneMobil Peer girl and come on tour with us! Write a mail to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

Bunt & Quer6Button Türkisch inaktiv Button Englisch aktiv Button Deutsch inaktiv

Projekt . Bunt & Quer Mobil . Girls4Girls . Peer EducationEltern- und MultiplikatorInnenarbeit . WorkshopsKulterbunte OutputsKulterbunte LandkarteKulterbunte DownloadsKulterbunte Bibliothek

The cross-cultural girls’ project from the  Amazone Bunt & Quer6 association sets new standards and responds innovatively to altered needs and challenges.

Using mobility,Bunt & Quer6 is spreading out its extensive offer for the nationwide and necessary cross-cultural work for girls. The objective of Bunt & Quer6 AmazoneMobil is making the offer ideally accessible to all girls.

During the past few years, the offers from the Bunt & Quer projects have been strongly institutionalised in the Amazone associations and are primarily offered and implemented in two areas - in the actual and in the virtual. In Bunt & Quer4 a mobile concept was developed, Bunt & Quer6 ties in with the concept and intends to open a third mobile room with the implementation. New, altered requirements are indicated from the longtime and documented experiences, evaluations and particularly from the feedback from the Peers girls. In particular, there is a demand for mobility and an expansion of the offers. The need to react to acute and present requirements was always an important aspect for the Amazone association, which increased over the years. On the one hand, the experiences and insight confirm the urgent necessity of cross-cultural girls’ work and also the need for making the offer reachable and more accessible. In addition to the experience-driven measures and those in regard to content, the mobile room continues to develop diversity in the form of easily accessible information brokering and knowledge transfer. All measures, which are offered in Bunt & Quer, are still devised from girls for girls and allow a gender-oriented work.

Bunt & Quer6 is based on the experiences of the previously conducted terms of these cross-cultural girls’ project series.

Cross-cultural Girls’ Project Series Bunt & Quer

The Amazone association has been contributing to cross-cultural girls’ work since 2008. In the European year of cross-cultural dialogue 2008, the Amazone association started the project Bunt & Quer and made approaching the topic of girls’ work and migration a key aspect. Approaching this topic took place via the formulation of the mutual Peer culture and via measures for the awareness raising of individual living environments.

Bunt & Quer2 expanded the already laid foundation and successfully followed up on the pilot scheme and was able to score using system-oriented access. At the same time, great importance was attached to an internal examination of the migration experience and the stabilisation of the own Peer culture was an integral component.  The basic structure forBunt & Quer3was developed by integrating research & development.

The Bunt & Quer3 project was about the transition from personal issues into the public eye. Bridges to dialogue were built across generations (adolescents and adults), across cultures (minority and majority groups) and between regions (Bregenz and Vorarlberg).

The key aspects in Bunt & Quer4 also shifted in the cross-cultural girls’ work with the continuous change and the altered requirements.  Here, Bunt & Quer4 relied on the Peer expertise and dealt with its own research results from youth culture research, to apply resp. implement the recommendations of the results as best as possible.

The cross-cultural girls’ work of the Amazone association is based on existing current research results, the innovative approach of which can be detected throughout the implementation of Bunt & Quer . The research results of the institute for youth culture research and their recommendations from the research report were cornerstones for Bunt & Quer4 . Continuation now includes intensifying what was learned and trained and to professionalise it, to ensure the aspect of sustainability.

Bunt & Quer5 continued to intensify the recommendations of the results from youth culture research and intensified what was already learned and trained from the “on code” communication training. Not only the Peer girls were to benefit from the “on code” communication. Therefore, in 2013 Bunt & Quer5 aimed at taking the Peers’ know-how more significantly into consideration and to apply it comprehensively, to install the knowledge as a component of the culturally colourful workshop design on a long-term basis.


Das Projekt Bunt & Quer6 wird durch den Europäischen Integrationsfonds kofinanziert.

Logoleisten der Sponsoren


Project duration:
January 1, 2014 until
December 31, 2014