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Projekt . Bunt & Quer Mobil . Girls4Girls . Peer EducationEltern- und MultiplikatorInnenarbeit . WorkshopsKulterbunte OutputsKulterbunte LandkarteKulterbunte DownloadsKulterbunte Bibliothek

The objective of Bunt & Quer6 AmazoneMobil is making the offer ideally accessible to everyone. Contents and measures such as workshops and consultations are to be made accessible regionally using the mobile room.

The mobility aspect in Bunt & Quer6 entails a range of new fields of use.
In addition to the experience-driven measures and those in regard to content, the mobile room further develops diversity in the form of easily accessible information brokering
and knowledge transfer. Not only a benefit for Bunt & Quer6 speaks for the room aspect but it is also one of the core objectives of the feminist girls’ work in the Amazone association.

The Peer girls are planning, organising, coordinating and managing the implementation of the mobile room with the support of a team of experts from the Amazone association.


Das Projekt Bunt & Quer6 wird durch den Europäischen Integrationsfonds kofinanziert.

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