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Projekt . Bunt & Quer Mobil . Girls4Girls . Peer EducationEltern- und MultiplikatorInnenarbeit . WorkshopsKulterbunte OutputsKulterbunte LandkarteKulterbunte DownloadsKulterbunte Bibliothek

Knowledge pool Bunt & Quer6
Cross-cultural offers such as consultation, specialised library, exchange of expert knowledge, methodological materials... are available to all interested multipliers.  Business hours: every Monday from 9 am - 12 pm or after making an Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.

The recommended course of action of feminist, cross-cultural girls’ work

The recommended course of action of feminist, cross-cultural girls’ work of the Girls’ Centre Amazone was prepared in two consultant meetings in line with Bunt & Quer2 and can be downloaded here.

Study “Girls’ world in cross-cultural dialogue”

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In line with the project Bunt & Quer², a scientific study was conducted in cooperation with the institute for youth culture research on the subject of “Girls’ worlds in cross-cultural dialogue”. The accompanying research for the project included conducting three group discussions with 14 - 18 year old girls with and without migration background.

Fundamental objectives of the study are:

  • Conclusions on attitudes and expectations of girls regarding cross-cultural girls’ work
  • Dialogue between girls with and without migration background
  • Development of ideas for future activities for girls with and without migration background in the Girls’ Centre Amazone

3 Bilder: rothaariges Mädchen, 2 Mädchen mit Kopftuch im Bazar unf Gitarristin


Das Projekt Bunt & Quer6 wird durch den Europäischen Integrationsfonds kofinanziert.

Logoleisten der Sponsoren


Project duration:
January 1, 2014 until
December 31, 2014