Welcome to the virtual Amazone!

Here in the girls’:zone, YOU and YOUR interests as girls take centre stage. You can test yourself, catch up on things, get creative or simply just relax.
The Amazone Girls’ Centre is a youth centre for girls only! Here, girls between 10 and 18 can experiment in the work shop, get information about their future profession in the communication room and surf on the Internet, develop pictures in the dark room, play tabletop football, relax in the café and listen to music, romp about in the exercise room, have sound sessions in the rehearsal room, talk about problems in the South Seas room and much more during opening hours!

In addition to numerous workshops and events, there are many activities in the Girls’ Centre, which the girls organise themselves: video sessions, birthday parties, sleepovers, dances, board games in the afternoon and much more. The more colourful your ideas are and the more committed you are, the more versatile the event will be.

We captured the greatest moments in our Photo Album! Have a look!

girls only
As you may have noticed, some pages have a girls only stamp. This stamp immediately lets you know: this event is for girls only! Neither boys or parents or instructors can participate. This stamp shows you, this is YOUR area. It’s only about YOU here.

The Amazone association is located in an older house on an inclined road. There is an elevator however, the rooms are unfortunately not handicapped accessible. The way to Amazone is also not an easy one for wheelchair users for example. It is important to us that all girls can benefit from the offers and services at Amazone. Please contact one of the staff members; we are more than happy to help!

Come visit us. The Amazone is looking forward to meeting you!



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Girls’ Centre
Wed - Sat 3 - 7 pm

Fri 5 - 10 pm

Mon - Thurs 9 am - 12 pm

Guidance Service for Girls
Wed 2 - 7 pm
Thurs - Sat 3 - 7 pm and upon request